The Harrison County Sheriff says in seconds, thieves are hooking up trailers from driveways and driving away undetected.
Reporter: Dave Spencer Email Address: dave.spencer@wkyt.com
Posted: 9:51 PM Dec 13, 2010
The Harrison County Sheriff says in seconds, thieves are hooking up trailers from driveways and driving away undetected.
The crimes started being reported December 6th and one week later, the Harrison County Sheriff Department was investigating a total of five reports.
Sheriff Bruce Hampton says, "They're not too choosy, and what they're doing is likely taking them another state to sell."
From large car trailers ranging from $6,000 to smaller utility trailers with a price tag of a couple hundred dollars, the sheriff says if it's easy for you to to hook up your own trailer, then it's easy for the thief as well.
Hampton says, "it's winter time, the house is locked up, windows are down, you're in the house snug as a bug, but you don't know if someone is driving around the house."
A similar scenario likely occurred for the Mills family.
They were borrowing a trailer from a friend and keeping it by a barn in their back yard. They say it was last seen Thursday night and noticed missing Saturday morning.
Anita Mills says, "It's just frustrating that people have to steal in this day in age."
Sheriff Hampton says it's important for people to keep record of the VIN or serial number of expensive items like trailers, in the event they are stolen.
He says even a picture can help track the missing item down at times.
Latest Comments
Posted by: Ron Melancon Location: Glen Allen on Dec 14, 2010 at 01:44 PM
Wake up...your state has no registration for trailers.....so how are you going to find them. It is because of Kentucky a Virginia Women is dead due to a trailer that has no registration from your state. Shame on you... As you aware our main concern is "Loose Runaway Trailers" and 4 years ago we noticed a growing trend. See here..http://www.dangeroustrailers.org/Stolen_Utility_Trailers.html We have uncovered some facts that will simply disturb you. They are so cheaply made these Manufactures do not want to spend the money to put the Vin Numbers into the Metal. In fact they encourage Utility Trailers From Being Stolen so they can sell new ones and have the Insurance Companies pay for them if the customer has insurance. In fact Kentucky and South Carolina is the stolen trailer capitals of the United States. Fact: Trailers in Kentucky do not get registered and they do not have a license plate. So when they come unhitched and kill a Virginia Resident back in 2008 nobody knows who killed her because no identification is on the trailer. In addition Kentucky has NO SAFETY CHAIN LAW! http://dangeroustrailers.blogspot.com/2007/10/virginia-police-seeking-information-on.html http://dangeroustrailers.blogspot.com/2006/12/another-accident.html http://thehadenfamily.blogspot.com/ Fact: Trailers in South Carolina also do not need to get registered and when they come loose and kill TWO PARENTS in front of their children and nobody knows who killed them. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oM1I-tDixzo Posted by: concerned Location: harrison co on Dec 14, 2010 at 11:53 AM
okay so are there no tracks of feet or tires that can be traced by the sheriffs dept. come on guys lets at least try to catch the thieves.