Latta High School band members are starting their musical season off on a sour note. This week, thieves made off with the band's utility trailer.
Wednesday, the Latta High School band members practiced for their first performance which is coming up in two weeks. They're pretty excited about how they sound, but Tuesday the musicians got the bad news that someone stole their utility trailer.
Tyler Hutto is the band's director. "Just kind of stuck out that it wasn't there. We looked around... couldn't find it."
They soon realized someone drove off with it - and the five foot tall drum major stand inside.
Replacing it won't be easy.
"You can't travel to a band contest or football game with 60 kids with instruments, props and flags and not have someplace to put them," said the school's principal, George Liebenrood.
A parent bought the trailer for the band in the late 1990's for around $1,800. Officials say buying it today could cost twice as much, and with budget cuts that's easier said than done.
So, they're keeping their fingers crossed that police will recover the stolen goods so they can keep the music playing.
Police are looking at surveillance video from cameras around the school to develop leads on a suspect. In the meantime, the band director says they're looking into whether insurance will pay for the stolen items.
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